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Promoting and encouraging the spread of psychological, emotional and relational well-being in the academic community with particular attention to the student component is the goal of the Prisma Project promoted by eight Italian universities, including the Catholic University.

The Project

The “PRISMA network” is composed of 8 Italian universities: University of Ferrara (UNIFE- Leader), Polytechnic University of Milan (POLIMI), University of Genoa (UNIGE), University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (UNIMORE), Catholic University of the Sacred Heart (UNICATT), University of Sassari (UNISS), Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (UNIVE), University of Parma (UNIPR) and the AFAM Academy of Fine Arts Institute of Venice, for a total of 263,850 students, 8,576 teaching staff and 7,185 technical and administrative staff reached by the project.

Within the network of the project, funded by the ProBen Call, the Catholic University will activate a qualitative and quantitative survey of the well-being and lifestyles of the students.


The survey is aimed, in fact, at identifying the well-being and discomfort of the university population, lifestyles, possible forms of addiction, analyzing the living conditions of male and female students and their personal and internal relational context at the university.


In addition to the questionnaire that will involve students from all the faculties and all the campuses of the University, the Prisma team of the Catholic University, coordinated by the director of the Department of Psychology Antonella Marchetti, and composed of psychologists Alessandro Antonietti (dean of the Faculty of Psychology), Emanuela Confalonieri, Elena Marta and Francesco Pagnini, will promote individual and group activities for psychological support and prevention of addictions.


For more information see the web page

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