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Research field

The main goal of the Research Center is to study the Theory of Mind in the field of developmental and educational psychology in a life-span perspective. This objective is expressed in the in-depth study of multiple areas of investigation. In fact, the Unit adopts a theoretical perspective that looks at affections, sociality and culture as fundamental elements for the psychological development of the person.

ToM and Typical Development

Empirical studies have been conducted on the development of various skills that make up Theory of Mind in subjects from infancy to old age...

Classe di arte

ToM e Svluppo Atipico

Research has been conducted in groups of atypically developing subjects from childhood to old age. The atypically developing groups considered are...


Social Robotics

The aim of this research area is to understand the characteristics of human-robot interaction...


Mental states in economics

Decision making in the economic field as conceptualized by psycho/neuroeconomic studies has been the object of an empirical study in young adult subjects (university students) with the aim of

Grafico grafico

Irony in developmental age

La comprensione della valenza ironica degli enunciati è stata indagata in età evolutiva in relazione a differenti tipi di ironia...

Ragazza carina

Mental language

Psychological vocabulary has been studied in developmental subjects with both typical and atypical development and in their caregivers through the analysis of metacognitive vocabulary and...

Lettere dell'alfabeto in legno
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